INSPIRE PROJECT 2023: Open talk by Dr. Jake Sotiriadis, “The Future of Geopolitics: Crafting Tomorrow’s Narrative in an Age of Disruption”

By ContentAdmin, 1 June, 2023


Open talk by Dr. Jake Sotiriadis, “The Future of Geopolitics: Crafting Tomorrow’s Narrative in an Age of Disruption”

Thursday, June 01, 2023 / 19:00

MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art (TIF-Helexpo premises)


Our volatile world today is characterized by unprecedented complexity.  Never before in history have individuals been able to wage a form of narrative warfare across the globe in real-time, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. What used to be the exclusive purview of states is now diffused to the individual level. Against this backdrop, how can we harness foresight methodologies to navigate the intricate feedback loops generated between individuals, states, and international organizations and drive a more effective strategic narrative? The talk will focus on the use of intelligence research and foresight methodologies in crafting strategic communication narratives to navigate our complex global environment. 

Dr Jake Sotiriadis, Director of the Center for Futures Intelligence at the National Intelligence University (NIU) in Washington, DC, will give an open talk on the above thematics, on Thursday, June 01, 2023, at MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art, in Thessaloniki, at 19:00.This is a parallel event of this year’s Inspire Project, which has as its general thematic the Future itself, in the frame of a collaboration between MOMus, the UNESCO Chair on Futures Research and the Millennium Project. The event is supported by the ACT - American College of Thessaloniki.

The talk is open to the public, in Greek language. Mrs. Synthia Sapika, journalist, will coordinate the discussion which will follow.



Jake Sotiriadis is Director of the Center for Futures Intelligence at the National Intelligence University (NIU) in Washington, DC. He serves on the research faculty and teaches courses on international relations, intelligence tradecraft, and strategic foresight. Jake is a serial "intrapreneur" in the Department of Defense and the US Intelligence Community where he has built futures-oriented organizations from the ground up, including the Air Force’s Strategic Foresight Team and NIU’s Research Center for Futures Intelligence. He is also an advisor to the State Department and teaches courses on geopolitics at the Foreign Service Institute. A career Air Force intelligence officer, he has held strategy and policy portfolios at the Pentagon, completed two deployments to the Middle East, as well as assignments at the National Security Agency, Pacific Command, US Embassy Berlin, and as the US Air Force’s senior futurist. 

He holds a Ph.D. in political science and geopolitical futures from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, a Master of Arts in international affairs from the Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy at Tufts University, a Master of Philosophy in military strategy from the US Air Force’s School of Advanced Air & Space Studies, and a Bachelor of Arts in international studies from Norwich University. His work has been featured in US and international publications and his forthcoming book, “The Revenge of Ideology: How Ideas Become Material in the Struggle for Global Order,” will be released in the Fall of 2023 by the National Intelligence Press. 


The Inspire Project is financed by Greece and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund).

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Dr. Jake Sotiriadis
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