Experimental Center for the Arts

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By admin, 19 November, 2020


Dream Archives: Dreams as a primal material for artistic creation and practice


The exhibition catalogue of “Dream Archives”, presented at MOMus-Experimental Center for the Arts, from July 22 until October 11, as the outcome of INSPIRE PROJECT 2020 is available online.

By admin, 31 July, 2020

Following the opening of the exhibition of the Inspire Project 2020 workshop, titled "Dream Archives", under the guidance of the invited artist Mary Zygouri, the MOMus - Experimental Center for the Arts and the Inspire Project invite artists who have produced works in the context of workshops or residency programmes to submit their applications for the Inspire Prize 2020.

By admin, 3 April, 2020

It is with great reluctance that we must announce that inBetween Interdisciplinary Festival for Sound, Video, and Performance, due to be held in May this year (2020) in Thessaloniki, GR, has to be postponed because of the outbreak of Corona Virus (Covid-19) pandemic. The decision has been made out of caution having the health of our listeners, guests, artists, and staff in mind. At the moment we are working on rescheduling the festival and will communicate the new dates in due course, when evidence is provided by the scientific community confirming that we can continue with safety.

By admin, 24 October, 2019

We are an artist duo and would like to invite artists to collaborate in our new performance to be presented in occasion of the Thessaloniki Performance Festival of the 7th Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art. The collective performance Silence, and silence is a performative act to investigate the dichotomy between decision-action, intuition-reaction. The body-instrument is treated as a vehicle to explore and define the relation to itself and to others, as well as the internal balance between the beginning-development-conclusion of each action.