OPEN CALL FOR ARTISTIC COLLABORATORS: Collective performance Silence, and silence | Andrigo & Aliprandi

By admin, 24 October, 2019

We are an artist duo and would like to invite artists to collaborate in our new performance to be presented in occasion of the Thessaloniki Performance Festival of the 7th Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art. The collective performance Silence, and silence is a performative act to investigate the dichotomy between decision-action, intuition-reaction. The body-instrument is treated as a vehicle to explore and define the relation to itself and to others, as well as the internal balance between the beginning-development-conclusion of each action. Through physical and concrete practices we aim to co-create a space-time map where collaborators are encouraged to deepen to the concept of responsibility: to frankly respond to the role of self, to the Ego in its leap over the ego to meet the Ego as an opportunity for change, critical action and responsibility. The idea of this project is intended to foster coherence and intuition, which serve as essential tools to creatively generate reactions and responses to events.


• We are looking to work with artists with no specific skills besides an active, critical and curious spirit.

• Full availability is required in the period: 21 - 24 October 2019.

• Preparation under our guidance: 21 - 24 October 2019, every day from 10:00 to 18:00.


In this preparation period, the selected artists will work intensively on physical practices which are centred on the body, the movement, the sound, the relation generated amongst them and the transition from the concept of an action to the realization of it. We will work on the production of both individual and collective actions-reactions through specific exercises dedicated to enable a conscious and responsible performative act. Dialectic confrontation, as well as observation and listening to the work/method/ideas of the others are part of the practices of this workshop.

The days will consist of:

moments of dialectic confrontation;

exploration of the body instrument in relation to itself and to others;

specific exercises dedicated to conscious and responsible action;

creation of both individual and collective actions-reactions;

moments of active observation and listening to the work/methods/ideas of others.


• Final set-up and performance: Thursday, 24 October 2019, 21:00.

• The preparation of the performance will be in English.

• Accommodation in Thessaloniki during the working period is at the collaborators’ own responsibility.

For questions, please write to


To be considered, please fill in the form until October 13, 2019:




Dancer and performer Marianna Andrigo and multimedia artist and sound performer Aldo Aliprandi,have been collaborating since 2009. Their oeuvre and artistic research intertwine various performative languages, deepening the relationship between body movement and sound-motion. Durability, strength, precision and transformation are the cornerstones of their work.

Andrigo and Aliprandi's live performances are mainly conceived site-specific, often in places characterized by the full verticality and the consequent shiver of vertigo that it produces. 

In their reference landscape, they move between philosophy, theatre, sound and movement experimentation by investigating an aesthetic that falls in love with detail and silence, as well with an entropic dynamic energy moved by emotions as enlightenment in the creative process. Their work favors shifting from comfort zones to places unknown yet — those invisible places where the performer needs to stand on the alert to trigger the creative act. They founded Vertical waves, a vertical dance company presenting performances all over the world. | | |

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Collective performance Silence, and silence | Andrigo & Aliprandi
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