Collector Culture of the Russian Avant-Garde | International conference for the Russian Avant-Garde

By admin, 22 October, 2021

Collector Culture of the Russian Avant-garde

Fourth International Khardzhiev Conference

Thessaloniki, Greece

Friday 22 - Saturday 23 October 2021

hosted by MOMus-Museum of Modern Art-Costakis Collection, Thessaloniki

in collaboration with the Khardzhiev Foundation and the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam



The Fourth International Khardzhiev Conference under the title “Collector Culture of the Russian Avant-Garde” aims to discuss, among others, whether new archival theories can broaden or change our perspective on Soviet collections of modernist art, how official and unofficial collecting practices interacted in the various historical timeframes in the Soviet Union or how did collectors mediate and foster the continuity, legacy and lineage of Russian modernist art forms. 


Visit the conference’s website

Find the full programme

The conference will be held in English, in a hybrid form, onsite and online via live streaming.

No registrations’ fees applied, in both cases.


Onsite attendance

Venue: MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art-Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art and State Museum of Contemporary Art Collections

Auditorium “Xanthippi Xoipel”

154 Egnatia Av. (TIF-HELEXPO premises)

Thessaloniki, Greece

Due to anticovid measures, prior registrations are required, here; limited seats available.


Online attendance / Live Streaming

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yt MOMus Museums


Conference Scientific Committee

Angeliki Charistou (MOMus-Museum of Modern Art, Thessaloniki)
Frank van Lamoen (Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam)
Lyubov Pchelkina (State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow)
Sjeng Scheijen (Khardzhiev Foundation, Amsterdam)
Maria Tsantsanoglou (MOMus-Museum of Modern Art, Thessaloniki)



Parallel, at MOMus-Museum of Modern Art-Costakis Collection


Documentary screening “Khardzhiev. The lastt Futurist” by Liliya Vyugina

  • 22.10.2021-16.01.2022

Exhibition «Kazimir Malevich. From the Khardzhiev Foundation»

  • Until 16.01.2022

Exhibition “Ivan Kliun. Transcendental landscapes. Flying sculptures. Light spheres”

  • Until 20.02.2022

Exhibitions “Stefan Canham. The 27” and “Sabine Höpfner. Kammer” in the frame of the Thessaloniki Photobiennale 2021

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Collector Culture of the Russian Avant-Garde
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