
By admin, 22 October, 2021

Collector culture of the Russian Avant-garde

Fourth International Khardzhiev conference

Thessaloniki, 22-23 October 2021


hosted by

MOMus Museum of Modern Art - Costakis Collection, Thessaloniki

In collaboration with the Khardzhiev Foundation and the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam


By admin, 2 August, 2021

‍‍MOMus-Museum of Modern Art-Costakis Collection

Moni Lazariston, Thessaloniki


Ivan Kliun. Transcendental landscapes. Flying sculptures. Light spheres”/ until September 19

*the museum will be closed 09-16.08



By admin, 2 August, 2021

MOMus museums goes on vacation!

The MOMus-Museum of Modern Art-Costakis Collection, the MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art, the MOMus-Thessaloniki Museum of Photography and the MOMus-Experimental Center for the Arts will remain closed to the public during August 9-16, 2021, while the MOMus-Museum Alex Mylona will remain closed during August 2-16, 2021.

We meet up again on Tuesday August 17, all safe and sound!

By admin, 28 December, 2020

The Network of Contemporary Culture Museums of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports introduces itself with its first official project, the digital exhibition under the title "Visualizing humanity", which is now available on the platform (CLICK HERE). The exhibition hosts over 100 works of art by 62 artists from the permanent collections of the organiza

By admin, 24 December, 2020

Art never goes out, even in the darkest times.

Merry Christmas and a bright and happy new year 2021!


Motion designer: Hara Iakovidou

Graphic designer: Katerina Tsividou