Stephen Antonakos. Light. Stephen Antonakos and the Russian avant-garde

By admin, 16 July, 2023
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Stephen Antonakos. Light. Stephen Antonakos and the Russian avant-garde”

extended until January 24, 2021

5 March - 24 January 2021

MOMus-Museum Alex Mylona (Aghion Asomaton square 5, Thissio, Athens)

"There are great roads that can be explored and bear fruit from the study of the relationship between the works of Russian pioneers and the specific and abstract geometry that I use in a variety of media, in my own works," wrote Stephen Antonakos himself in one of the explanatory letters he had sent, in 2012, to the then State Museum of Contemporary Art on what led him to donate 67 of his works-prints to the Museum afterwards.

The series of these prints by Stephen Antonakos, which now belongs to the unified collections of the MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art, is exhibited for the first time in Athens at the MOMus-Museum Alex Mylona until October 18 together with works from the Costakis collection of the MOMus-Museum of Modern Art and two compositions with neon by the artist from the Alpha Bank Collection in the exhibition entitled “Stephen Antonakos: Light. Stephen Antonakos and the Russian avant-garde. "