Guitar recital by Yiannis Efstathopoulos

By dimitra.samsaki, 23 October, 2024
Guitar recital by Yiannis Efstathopoulos
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“The Exiled Guitar / A Tribute to the Generation of ‘27”


The... "secrets" of the Spanish guitar together with the "forgotten" works of the Generation of '27 in Spain, become the basis of the double recital entitled "The exiled guitar" by the guitarist-researcher Yiannis Efstathopoulos at MOMus-Museum of Modern Art-Costakis Collection, in Moni Lazariston, in Thessaloniki. The event is coorganised with the Instituto Cervantes in Athens, as part of the exhibition on show at the Museum under the title “Pablo Picasso: Exile and Nostalgia”. 

In the two-day musical journey-recital we discover the composers-victims of the disasters of the Spanish Civil War, who were murdered or expelled by the Franco regime. Their music opens a dialogue with the traditional music of Andalusia, sometimes it flirts with French impressionism and sometimes as an "exile" it mixes nostalgia for the homeland with modern musical trends.

The first works for guitar written by non-guitarist composers, such as Manuel de Falla, Julián Bautista, Gustavo Pittaluga, Antonio José, Roberto Gerhard and others, represent the pioneering generation in which Federico García Lorca starred, at a time when the guitar was looking for its identity and place, in the art-music of Spain and Europe in general.


Thursday 31 October 2024 / “Seis Caprichos: music for guitar around 1930” 
Works by: Julián Bautista, Gustavo Pittaluga, Salvador Bacarisse, Rodolfo Halffter, Roberto Gerhard, Fernando Remacha, Antonio José, while lots of works are dedicated to Regino Sáinz de la Maza


Friday 1 November 2024 / “Tradition and Modernism”
Works by: Rodolfo Halffter, Rosa García Ascot, Ernesto Halffter, Adolfo Salazar, Federico Garcia Lorca, Paco Ibañez, Άngel Barrios, Julián Bautista, Roberto Gerhard, Baltasar Samper, Sabicas


Yiannis Efstathopoulos is a distinguished guitar soloist and scholar of Spanish music from the Renaissance to the 20th century. He holds a PhD from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel as well as two Masters degrees in classical and early music from the Royal Conservatory of Brussels.
In 2019, he released his first record work entitled “Seis Caprichos – Spanish guitar music around 1930” by the Dutch label “Passacaille” records, which has received excellent reviews from foreign magazines and radio stations. He is considered one of the most innovative performers and researchers in Torres style guitars in matters of performance practice on period instruments and strings.


Buy your ticket from here or from the Museum’s Reception, 30’ before the starting time, upon availability. 
Information on tel. (+30) 2310 589143





Thursday 31 October 2024

«Seis Caprichos: music for guitar around 1930»

Romance del Pescador, Danza del fuego Fatuo (arr. by Llobet), Homenaje by Manuel De Falla 

Preludio y Danza - Julián Bautista*


Homenaje a Matéo Albeniz - Gustavo Pittaluga*

Pavana - Salvador Bacarisse* 

Giga - Rodolfo Halffter*


Fantasia - Roberto Gerhard


Preludio - Fernando Remacha*


Minuetto, Pavana Triste, Finale - Antonio José*  


Paraphrase de Rondená - Sáinz de la Maza/Andia


*dedicated to Regino Sáinz de la Maza



Friday 1 November 2024

«Tradition and Modernism»


Solea, Siguiriya, Guajira - Άngel Barrios 


Homenaje by Manuel De Falla 

Preludio y Danza - Julián Bautista


Sonata in Re - Rodolfo Halffter (dedicated to Rafael Alberti)

Española - Rosa García Ascot

Danza de la pastora - Ernesto Halffter (arr. by José de Azpiazu)


Nana, Sevillanas del Siglo XVIII - Federico Garcia Lorca (arr. by R. Cueto, C. Trepat) 

Casida de las palomas oscuras, Canción de jinete - Paco Ibañez (arr. by Y. E.)

Romancillo - Adolfo Salazar (dedicated to Isabelita Lorca) 


For whom the bell tolls - Roberto Gerhard 


So de pastera - Baltasar Samper (arr. for solo guitar by Y.E.)

Zapateado - Sabicas 


*guitars Christopher Dean (Santos model) 2013, Telesforo Julve (1926) 






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