OPEN CALL: Photography workshop “A SEA BEYOND”

By admin, 23 March, 2023
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Photography workshop “A SEA BEYOND”

A five-day workshop on photography with Stratos Kalafatis and Lia Nalbantidou



The MOMus-Experimental Center for the Arts is promoting an open call to young photographers who would like to participate in the photography workshop entitled "A Sea Beyond", led by the internationally acclaimed photographers Stratos Kalafatis and Lia Nalbantidou.

The workshop will take place for five days, between April 25-29, 2023 at the port of Thessaloniki and the MOMus-ECT venue. This workshop is produced in the frame of the SEA CHANGE.

Participation is free of charge, after applying for it and being selected.


The program “A Sea Change” is a project co-funded by the European Union and is focused on promoting creative innovation around the Blue Economy practices through interdisciplinary and intermedia arts, as well as artistic and curatorial research. Culminating in Barcelona with an exhibition in 2024, the project will develop between Croatia, Cyprus, Greece and Spain, ​​and is led by Kontejner (HR) in collaboration with MOMus (GR), NeMe (CY), and Quo Artis (ES) as partner organisations. During 2022-2024, partner and collaborating organisations will get involved with different communities to catalyse a positive impact on the environment, the marine ecosystem and the well-being of coastal populations, with special emphasis on Blue Economy urgencies both at the local and European level.

The project will unfold across various sectors, including environmental sciences, health, tourism, and design, and will involve a series of exhibitions in many countries.

The activities of A Sea Change (workshops, artistic residencies, public programmes, documentary screenings, and educational activities, will promote and catalyse changes in local environments and will produce new works of art and intersectional collaborations to build a more sustainable, diverse and inclusive Mediterranean.


  • To bring new and sustainable cultural practices to coastal communities.
  • To educate and build capacities of involved cultural agents and local citizens.
  • To foster critical practices and innovations in coastal economies.


Stratos Kalafatis was born in Kavala in 1966. He graduated from the Physical Education and Athletics department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and then he attended photography classes at the Art Institute of Philadelphia, U.S.A. He lives in Thessaloniki and has created, along with Lia Nalbantidou, STUDIOTESSERA, a photography platform with educational, publishing and artistic activities. During the last thirty years, he has been presenting his photographic works at private galleries, museums, festivals and artistic events throughout the world. The following works of his are available from Agra publications: Archetypal Images(1999), , Journal 1998-2002 (2004), Athos / The colours of faith (1st edition2014), (2nd edition 2018), Archipelago (2017). He is represented by the Bernier / Eliades gallery.

Lia Nalbantidou is a freelance photographer - active artist (member of EETE) based in Thessaloniki. She has been teaching photography for the last 30 years. Her work (photographic works and photobooks) has been presented in numerous Greek and international exhibitions and contemporary art events. She is represented in private and public art collections and libraries. Indicatively: EMST / National Museum of Contemporary Art Athens, MOMus-Thessaloniki Museum of Photography, Benaki Photographic Archives - Athens, Le Château d' Eau - pôle photographique de Toulouse - France, Architekturbild EV Stuttgart - Germany, PhotoIreland Collection / The Library Project, Dublin - Ireland, Zentrum für Künstlerpublikationen / Collection of Artists' Publications Weserburg Museum of Modern Art, Bremen - Germany, Le Château d' Eau / pôle photographique de Toulouse - France, Gulbenkian Library of Artists' Books Lisbon - Portugal, Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library Yale University, New Haven - USA.



Artists interested are invited to apply as following:

  • By filling in the PARTICIPATION FORM (see below)
  • By sending visual material of their recent work: up to ten (10) photographs of recent work in electronic format (jpegs).
  • The above should be sent digitally to MOMus- Experimental Center for the Arts at with the indication "A Sea Beyond".

Deadline by April 7, 2023 at 23:30


  • The selection committee will examine the files and assess their compatibility with the concept and content of the workshop, without being obliged to justify its choices publicly.
  • The names of the finalists will be published on the MOMus website,, and they will be notified at the email addresses they have provided.
  • Information: & phone 2310.593270, Monday-Friday 11:00-15:00.


A Sea Change is co-funded by Greece and the European Union