
By dimitra.samsaki, 28 August, 2024
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Photography exhibition / Audio walk / Theatre performance

Cross-disciplinary project, based on Stratis Vogiatzis' book of the same title, in the frame of the programme "All Greece One Culture" organised by the Ministry of Culture.



There is a life that silently unfolds underneath the ground; a life that has reconciled with the chaos and the co-existence of the diverse elements that compose the world. This life unfolds in a place that knows – without however being able to prove it – that the Individual is actually the Collective, that the Other complements the One, that the Imaginary is the Real waiting to be confirmed, and that the Real, in return, is the Imaginary experienced through the senses. What is this land, this open space, in which, when heterogeneous elements come together, the possibility of a world hitherto "patiently waiting for the right conditions to emerge" is fertilized? What is this land that can withstand to serve as both a background for a picture that will be revealed, and as the picture itself? What is this Camp (Kampos)?


Stratis Vogiatzis's photography exhibition is made possible with the support of MOMus-Thessaloniki Museum of Photography and Chios Music Festival.


More information on the project, here https://allofgreeceone.culture.gov.gr/en/event/kampos/ .


*Caption: © Stratis Vogiatzis

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