“A place on their own. Experimental Workshop-Exhibition”

By dimitra.samsaki, 21 March, 2024
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Opening: Thursday 21 March 2024 | 19:00


How do young artists shape their visual language, especially at a time when stimuli are so many and everything seems to have been said, and what is the role of the academic experience in this process?


The experimental workshop-exhibition under the title “A place on their own” taking place at the MOMus-Experimental Center for the Arts (Warehouse b1, Pier A’, Thessaloniki port) from 21 March until 07 April 2024, is an excellent example of the research dimension surrounding the production of contemporary artistic work. 


The students of the 5th Painting Studio of the School of Visual and Applied Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts AUTh under the direction of Lampros Psyrrakis, during the laboratory course of Rania Emmanouilidou, were invited to experiment, to escape from the medium they work with, to leave the field in which they feel safe and to seek new unexplored areas. 


The workshop brought them into contact with the process of setting up an overall concept, while preparing, coexisting in a group exhibition in a museum context; at the same time, the resulting works touch on personal, introspective issues, the human-nature-culture relationship, and the post-climate change period. 


*Opening performance “the weaver” by Anna Timotheou with the participation of Evi Savvidou. 


* Efstathia Savvidou and Daphne Vlasidou invite the exhibition audience to participate in their common installation under the title «Cladosporium, Penicillium, and Aspergillus or The Last One to Turn Off the Lights”.


*Students’ portfolios created under the supervision of the artists-teachers Maria Vozali and Aliki Martzopoulou will be also presented during the exhibition. 


Participant students: Anna Botou, Kalliopi Fessara, Sarkis Hambaryan, Moschoula Katsipi, Elisavet Moraiti, Rena Nikolaidou, Elsa Papagiannopoulou, Alexandra Papavasileiou, Maria-Aggeliki Peroglou, Georgia Rachmani, Evelyn Rapi, Andriana Rizou, Maria-Anna Saouridou, Katerina Schoina, Malamatenia Soulioti, Georgia Sozou, Evangelia Theologou, Anna Timotheou Daphne Vlasidou and Efstathia Savvidou


Curated by: Lydia Chatziiakovou, Curator – ArtBOX experimental agency


Parallel events 

28 March – 07 April 2024 

Sophia Touboura, 88, sound and visual installation-interactive performance 


On the occasion of the official calendar entry into Spring season, the artist chooses the realization of 88, an installation inspired by a date that bears elements connected to the paradoxically self-destructive action of man. March 28 in leap years, like this year 2024, is the 88th day of the year. 88 describes the atomic number of the radioactive metal radium discovered by Marie Curie, an element best known for the disastrous consequences of its excessive use. At the same time, in Morse Code, the number 88 is used to convey an informal cordial greeting and more specifically, it encodes the phrase "hugs and kisses".


Installation 88 consists of electronic sound, digital video and printed collages and reproduces reprocessed images of symbols of tenderness, which are alternated and mixed with images of nuclear mushrooms from real databases. 


The project concludes with the interactive performance (28 March 2024, 16:00-20:00) which is carried out by the artist herself and within the limits of the installation space highlighting the project as a means of processing the dipole of tender love and absolute cruelty, but also promoting the idea of the symbolic catalysis of the latter through the dominance of the first.


Curated by: Domna Gounari, Curator MOMus-Experimental Center for the Arts 


Thursday 28 March 2024, 18:00

Guided tour at the experimental workshop-exhibition “A place on their own” by the participant students. 

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