Thessaloniki. The Giorgos Costakis Collection. Restart

By admin, 16 July, 2023
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The exhibition captures the intriguing Russian Avant-garde period during which, in the context of the historical context of the great vision for changing the world, questions were raised about the relationship of painting to poetry, architecture, music, theater, science and composition. new places and manifestos, as well as a completely innovative philosophy that sought to play the role that art can play in order to abolish established aesthetic conventions. Additionally, the portrait of the collector George Costakis (1913-1990) who set a life goal to rescue this art from oblivion and the inevitable catastrophe by the unfavorable for the Russian formal avant-garde Stalinist and pre-Soviet USSR, stands as the starting point for this extremely interesting journey in the movements, groups, schools and artists of the Russian Avant-garde. The exhibition was first presented in Thessaloniki in the summer of 2018, giving more than 4,000 visitors the opportunity to get acquaintance with the era of Russian Avant-garde, became the reason for the museum to be nominated as the 'Museum of the Year' by The Art Newspaper Russia last year (March 2019, Moscow), and traveled to the Sakip Sabanci Museum in Istanbul under the tile ‘Dreaming the Future. Russian Avant-Garde Art and Design’
receiving the award as the best exhibition for 2018 in Turkey by the cultural editors of Hürriyet.
Curators: Maria Tsantsanoglou, Natalia Avtonomova, Alla Lukanova
Co-curator: Angelica Charistou
Guided tours: every Saturday, 12:00