Honorable Outlaws – Face. Freedom. Silence

By admin, 16 July, 2023
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Honorable Outlaws – Face. Freedom. Silence

extended until June 28

26 February - 28 June 2020

MOMus-Experimental Center for the Arts

Can art bring us in substantial contact with an unfamiliar perspective of reality? Can it possibly evoke the feeling of belonging within the entirety of the body of society, where people may have nothing in common? Can art make us realize that we actually experience the same dreams and fears, but in a different way ?

The exhibition “Honorable Outlaws - Face. Freedom. Silence” is based on the ability of contemporary art to create space-time frameworks in which people - who would have never met under different circumstances - can coexist, cooperate and co-create.

Nine artists and an art theorist went to the 3rd Second Chance School of Thessaloniki of the Central Correctional Facility ot Thessaloniki

(Diavata) and created workshops (2016-2019). The artists were chosen according to the relativity of their practice to the problematics of approaching confinement, through critical aesthetics.

The exhibition includes texts and works of both students and artists.

Some of the works are collective, some others have been created by the students under the guidance of the artists and others are artworks of the 9 artists which emerged from their experience in the prison. At the core of this project has always been the experience of the encounter – and its poetics – with one and only limit: the actual boundaries imposed by the Prison. The challenge of this exhibition is to communicate to the public, the holistic experience shared by both apprentices and artists – through the power of art – aiming to raise awareness on the political subjects of transgression and rehabilitation.


With the participation of:

The students (2017-2020) of the 3rd School of Second Chance of Thessaloniki (Prison of Diavata) The artists: Dimitris Ameladiotis, Dimitris Fragkakis, Giorgos Gerontides, Maria Kremeti, Virginia Mastrogiannaki, Rhiannon Morgan, Alexandros Plomaritis, Takis Spyropoulos, Mary Zygouri V. Α.

The 3rd School of Second Chance of Thessaloniki with 3 projects

Curator: Sofia Eliza Bouratsis

Suuporters:  Fonds Culturel Nationale | Oeuvre nationale de secours grande-duchesse charlotte