Together, so Far so Close

By admin, 16 July, 2023
Exhibition Type
Start Date
End Date

Together, so Far so Close 

October 20, 2020 – February 14, 2021

MOMus-Experimental Center for the Arts


42 days of quarantine

460 digitally uploaded works of art (

23 co-curators

89 selected artists

35 days of creative collaboration.

A version of MOMus online open call that took place last March, titled “MOMus Resilience Project” is presented at the exhibition “Together, So Far So Close.” This collective curatorial project with artworks that was created during the suffocating lockdown atmosphere, stands as a collective initiative aiming at the projection of all those things that hold us together, despite the imposed social distance.

The curatorial team set as a starting point and methodology of the process the concept “together”, because the pandemic concerns all of us. All of us had to cope with self-isolation for disease prevention. All of us felt -and we still feel- that this precious “together” is threatened, as physical contact, social proximity, and human coexistence have turned into possible risks for our survival.

Experiences, feelings, thoughts, worries and hopes are transformed into artwork, within which every one of us can recognize something deeply personal and completely ours. The inner world, the house as a space of self-isolation and introspection, the dystopian desolation of the urban landscape, the temporary environmental regeneration, the political aspect of health restrictions, and finally, the indomitable instinct of survival and coexistence are the main topics that characterize the artwork of this exhibition.

Together, amateurs and professionals, artists and art lovers, we freely and collectively communicate this initiative to the public, because we believe that art offers an escape, expresses and comforts each and every one of us. So, we stand together, fragile but still powerful, despite the imposed social distance, we express our strong willingness for meaningful communication.

The curatorial team text.


Special thanks: ARTE Houseware


Supervisor-Coordination: Thouli Misirloglou, Deputy Director of MOMus-Experimental Center for the Arts

Curatorial Team: Eleftheria Almasidou, Christina Arampatzi, Maria Charmani, Despina Fatesidou, Antoneta Garitsi, Dimitris Gatidis, Louloudia Gredi, Eleftheria Kalpenidou, Nana Kantsa, Valentini Margaritopoulou, Smaragda Nitsopoulou, Olina Oikonomidou, Marina Papadatou, Aggeliki Patakiouti, Fay Pipina, Antonis Rapanis, Meni Seiridou, Tania Siopi, Maria Soufla, Nopi Sotiriadou, Sophia Tolika, Maria Tsaousidou, Lara Vrettou


Participating Creators: Efi Amanatidou, Haris Anastasiadis, Katerina Anastasiou, Zoe Antypa, Soula Apostolaki, Aimilia Balaska, Chris Barjoka, Tasos Biris, Anna Botou, Evangelia Natalia Boutasi, Ioanna Charalampous, Elena Chatzianastasiou, Katerina Chatzidimitriou, Drosoula Maria Chatzistamou, Maria Dellaporta, Katerina Eleftheriadou, Ioanna Florou, Myrto Fousteri, Sofia Georgiadou, Georgia Georgiou, Maira Gerouki Zisi, Eleonora Geortsiaki, Elena Giannadaki, Sotiris Gkonis, Thanasis Gnesoulis, Antigone Iliadi, Paul Handley, Danai Ioannidou, Anastasios Ioannou, Lea Kavvadia, Despina Kavallari, Ioanna Kazaki, Diran Kalaydjian, Eleftheria Kalpenidou, Anneta Kapon, Spyridon Kaprinis, Stelios Karatheodorou, Ifigenia Karatzia, Maria Karkanaki, Kalli Kastori, Andreas Katsikoudis, Evi Kafiri, Nikos Kachrimanis, Konstantinos Koutsioukis, Sylvia Kouveli, Nikos Kostopoulos, Loopo Studio, Kyriaki Lykouresi, Ilectra Maipa, Georgia Mantalia, Eleni Marantou, Konstantinos Markogiannis, Panagiotis Mavromatis, Evelina Mountzia, Stratos Ntontsis, Dimitra Papageorgiou, Florentia Papamitrou, Stefania Patrikiou, Elena Pavlidou, Sofia Pechlivanidou, Aggeliki Politi, Zografia Popoli, Bernard Pourrière, Asimina Psyrra, Antonis Rapanis, Sofia Rozaki, Mariana Rossiadou, Katerina Svoronou, Sofi Senoglou, Alexandros Simopoulos, Hara Sklika, Giorgos Stergiopoulos, Alda Stefa, Sofia Symiakaki, Erietta Syroglou, Louiza Sotiriou, Sofia Tolika, Filippos Tsemperis, Ioanna Tsigara, Maria Tsiroukidou, Aleka Tsironi, Sofia Vaggeli, Loukia Vasilaki, Konstantia Vlahidou, Richard Whitlock, Doreida Xhogu, Andreas Zacharatos,