Jaehwa Baek “Inaccessible Space” & Angelina Voskopoulou “Sensitive Cha-os”

By admin, 16 July, 2023
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Jaehwa Baek, “Inaccessible Space” & Angelina Voskopoulou “Sensitive Chaos”

Video Art, 3D Animation in the frame of the artistic project “Byzantine Bath- Meetings-Thessaloniki”

October, 16 - 21, 2022

ΜOMus-Experimental Center for the Arts (Warehouse Β1, Pier Α’, port)


Two women, the Korean digital artist Jaehwa Baek and the Greek visual artist Angelina Voskopoulou, meet each other, taking inspiration from the Byzantine Bath in Thessaloniki, inside MOMus-Experimental Center for the Arts and discuss through their digital works, in a meeting with the Body; the body whose care and liberty was the common rule inside the Byzantine Bath. A meeting with the visibility of the body, its alienation, its humiliation and its freedom, its diversity and its beauty, its autonomy and its confinement.

This artistic meeting is extremely revelatory, because it leads us to the visibility of social and political hetero- determinations and weighs that burden the body, the body that is suffocating, that is injured.


In the world that Jae-Nder Fluid creates, the limits between reality and digital space are blurred, allowing to emerge, with greater freedom, sharp aspects of her political and social concerns.

Her work ‘’Innaccessible Space’’ studies the manifold difficulties that people of different genders are faced with, when they use public toilettes, structures which are addressed, in the first place, to a binary society that accepts the existence of only two genders.

In the work ‘’Inaccessible Space’’ the public space (public toilettes) decreases, it becomes a space of social control and identification of the gender. It pushes people of different genders into humiliating “confessions of the body, of the gender and of social morality”:


Angelina Voskopoulou, a pioneer artist in the domain of screen dance video art, with the work ‘’Sensitive chaos’’ brings the body on the forefront. With the help of water, memory and movement.

The body is now visible, extended, it defines its space.

In her digital world, the body and, almost always, the body that moves, constitutes an

almost crushing, natural force. In the work that she created especially for the Byzantine Bath, the body is the carrier of water that cleans, creates and destroys through its diverse qualities (the light, amniotic fluid, the sacred waters of Stiga, the heavy and cold waters of Ades).

When Jae-Nder’s gender non-binary bodies are challenged and wounded, Voskopoulou brings to the Body the power of water, the Byzantine bath, and gives clear thoughts concerning the natural circle of life and the constant flow of water that we often forget to follow.


Curator: Filia Milidaki

Production: MOMus-Experimental Center for the Arts & Eye’s Walk Digital festival  


For more information visit www.eyeswalk.gr, instagram @eyeswalk festival, facebook @eyeswalk


The project “Byzantine Bath- Meetings-Thessaloniki” is supported by the Ministry of Culture and Sports and the 57th DIMITRIA Festival