Art facts!

By ContentAdmin, 31 May, 2023
Game Clues
Clue Title
First riddle
Clue Text

Someone left on a chair, a white coat with folds that spread on the floor! Put it on and keep going!

Clue Title
Second riddle
Clue Text

If you had them, you would see the world from above and hang out with the clouds!

Clue Hints
They don't melt if you go near the sun, because you can fly with your imagination!
Clue Title
Third riddle
Clue Text

It is tall and impressive, birds can rest on its branches. It doesn’t have a smell because it is made of paper.

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Fourth riddle
Clue Text

Building materials become a seat, shapes, scenery! You can sit with friends and breathe fresh air or enjoy a show!

Clue Hints
It is located at the Museum's courtyard!
Clue Title
Fifth riddle
Clue Text

It turns night into day, you can see it even if you are outside the Museum. Can you recognize some basic shapes?

Clue Hints
A sky and a fire became shapes and only shine at night!
Before you enter the Museum area, look up!