Main exhibition “The Spectre of the People” closing event

By dimitra.samsaki, 6 February, 2024
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Main exhibition “The Spectre of the People” closing event

Saturday 10 February 2024 | 17:00

MOMus-Thessaloniki Museum of Photography (Warehouse A’, Pier A’, port area)

Presentations by Joan Fontcuberta and Pilar Rosado Rodrigo, artists-photographers participating at the exhibition.


Interventions by Yannis Stavrakakis, Professor at the School of Political Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Julian Stallabrass, art historian and curator of the exhibition.


In detail, Julian Stallbrass will speak in his presentation about the concept behind the main exhibition of this year’s PhotoBiennale, while Yannis Stavrakakis will refer to the current trends and aspects of populism as an international phaenomenon. 


Pila Rosado Rodrigo will present her work with a focus on her research on the relationship between art and artificial intelligence and Joan Fontcuberta will do a retrospective of his work. 


Participation is free for the public. There will be simultaneous interpretation from English to Greek and vica versa.


The exhibition “The Spectre of the People” ends on 11 February 2024 and is hosted in MOMus-Thessaloniki Museum of Photography (Warehouse A', port area) and the MOMus-Experimental Center for the Arts (Warehouse B1, port area). More information can be found here 


Short bios

Joan Fontcuberta has developed both an artistic and theoretical activity focused on the conflicts between nature, technology, photography, and truth. Recently, he has explored the new visual culture in the light of the impact of technological tools and artificial intelligence.


Pilar Rosado holds a PhD in Fine Arts and a Master's degree in Biology. She is interested in how new technologies can change our perception of the world, but also in the creative possibilities that are within our reach.


Yannis Stavrakakis is Professor in the School of Political Sciences at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, where he directs the Postgraduate Programme in Political Theory, The Laboratory for the Study of Democracy, and the POPULISMUS observatory:


Julian Stallabrass is a writer, photographer, curator and lecturer. His books include Killing for Show: Photography, War and the Media in Vietnam and Iraq, 2020; A Very Short Introduction to Contemporary Art, updated edition, 2020; Internet Art: The Online Clash Between Culture and Commerce, 2003; Paris Pictured, 2002; and High Art Lite: British Art in the 1990s, Verso, London 1999. He curated Art and Money Online for Tate Britain in 2001; the 2008 Brighton Photo Biennial, Memory of Fire: Images of War and the War of Images; and Failing Leviathan: Magnum Photographers and Civil War at the National Civil War Centre, Newark in 2015. He has made online TV programmes about aspects of modern and contemporary art for Tariq Ali TV in the series ‘Rear Window’.

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