Guided tours in English at the “Fred Boissonnas and the Mediterranean. A photographic Odyssey” exhibition

By admin, 16 September, 2022
Education type
Ξεναγήσεις στην έκθεση «Ο Φρεντ Μπουασονά και η Μεσόγειος. Μια φωτογραφική Οδύσσεια» στο MOMus-Μουσείο Φωτογραφίας Θεσσαλονίκης
Start Date
End Date
For the first time, the MOMus - Thessaloniki Museum of Photography offers guided tours in English on a daily basis.
English speaking visitors can enjoy a guided tour at the “Fred Boissonnas and the Mediterranean. A photographic Odyssey” exhibition, until 16 December 2022, Tuesday to Friday at 12:00, no reservations needed.